Sunday, December 18, 2016

A year of living unprocessed...

It's December 18th 2016 and I have decided that I had better start putting my mouth where my ideals are.  I have been thinking about a year of living unprocessed for pretty much all of 2016.  Every time I open a box of crackers I mentally slap myself on the wrist.  Why didn't I just make these?  The answer: time.

Time is the first of two hesitations I have about trying to do this.  And it's the many permutations of time that are getting me on different levels.  Will I have time to cook that? How many times will I go hungry? What if it's dinner time and I haven't thought ahead? How much time will go by before I decide to quit this challenge? Will I spend ALL of my time in the kitchen?

I already do a lot of this.  I have already made homemade marshmallows because.. well because I have some time... and why not... and I like to... and because (as my dear husband likes to remind me) I like seeing IF I can and then bragging about it on Instagram.  But I have to ask myself honestly... what happens if later next summer someone asks to do s'mores over the bonfire.  What do I do? Marshmallows need at least two days to prepare.  And what about the graham crackers?! I've made those little beasts before with mixed results and nearly 3 hours of hands on work.  So thinking ahead, what am I going to do when everyone else is happily munching away?  The answer: go without.

I'm not particularly good at "going without." I've enjoyed an adequate but slightly sub-par metabolism for most of my life that hasn't kept me skinny while eating pretty much whatever whenever but it has prevented me from turning into an elephant.  I'm not practiced at going without.  A concept that translates to buying things as well...but that's another year's challenge.  So there's gonna be a lot of "going without" in my future.

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